This card celebrates the 2020, the Year of the Rat! Unlike other New Year's cards, this one does not have 'Happy New Year!' on it. In Mandarin, 2020 is pronounced 'Ai ni, ai ni,' which also means 'love you.' Four Chinese words at the top read both 'love you, love you' and '2020.' You may think these mice are a couple, but they represent a mother and child and strong familial love.

Because everyone should have someone they love, and someone who loves them too, this card wishes to spread that message with the new year and always. Another message reads 'love you as always' down the right side.

Main colors used: Seaweed green, Mellow yellow, and Squash red, with an Xmas style.

Graphic Design : Avis Hsieh
Photography: Avis Hsieh

Produced in Jan 2020

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